Saturday, 24 January 2015

Escape of the bull

So, we've got the bull back in the barn and his pen all shored up. It was quite the morning with him a pawin and a snortin and then goin through the barn door, well he sort of lifted it and went underneath, all because he got the hots for some neighbourhood sweety who was smelling fine. He was off an over the fences and through the widow Rachael's garden patch, and we'll never hear the end of that. We had to load a charming heifer who was jumpin on every critter in sight on the back of the pickup and he followed her home like a good little boy and we let him have a go at her and he got as placated as a bag of wet macaroni.

Now we were having our coffee and discussing the philosophical implications of such occurrences what with the earth's population sitting at around 9 billion. Men and women being men and women they all gets the hots too, and the Pope he doesn't value much any counter potency efforts excepting good morals and that's real good if your fine and upstanding, but we got politicians on this good earth too. So we figured that if we did away with politicians we could control our population, but Joe, he wants to be on the school board because he's got nine kids, and well that just about ended our discourse right there but we all had a real good snicker.

This big colloquium their having in Davos has really got our chickens scratching. Some top drawer cracks are worrying their poor heads that economic growth was slower than it might have been in countries with limitations on online activity. They say people should be concerned, national solutions won't protect the interests of global companies. They want to mobilize businesses on this issue in the same way they are mobilized for free trade pacts. Our chickens are telling us we better watch out or we'll be voting for Walmart or Exxon or Cargill to exalt our freedoms pretty soon, and chicken feed could get pretty pricey. We run a real democracy out here in the back 40, and the chickens all voted to keep themselves free range, with lots of cock a doodle dooing about keeping that hole in the fence open. Says a lot for their confidence in humanity.

If we can keep this telephone internet connection operational here, we'll try to keep you city folk all informed about our valued opinions out here in the bush. Keep the pot covered, eh.

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