Friday, 30 January 2015

Ill defined prerogatives

We all bucked through the unplowed snow drifts to Schmoes Diner yesterday where the talk was all about Canada's new immigrant program designed to bring millionaires to our impoverished country. The government announced it would give permanent residency to international investors who could invest $2 million in Canada, in an effort to attract experienced business people who could give the Canadian economy a boost. We were all pretty excited that maybe we could attract one or two to our neck of the woods. Schmoe was a little less than enthusiastic as it would mean he would have to add more items to his menu than burgers and coffee and fries (in alphabetical order) if he were to compete if one of these rich dudes decided to open up a new restaurant.

We figured if we could attract some of these rich whippersnappers to buy a quarter section of bush and start homesteading we could really build our municipal tax base and get some decent roads and maybe even a fire truck. With all that business experience they might even be cajoled to sit on the council and maybe give some insight into keeping our ancient 671 Champion grader running at least enough to plow the snow. But then Cultivated Herb came along and said he had met some of these rich foreign folk, and he thought they'd be more app to be city types living with a few niceties than joining us out here in the sticks.

Cultivated Herb is up on a lot of these things, he even reads the “Globe and Mail,” and he said this outfit called the Immigrant Investor Capital Program would take these dudes $2 million, if they were wanting to integrate into Canada's somewhat languorous relationship with the world at large, and divest it into brazenly speculative ventures aimed at increasing our exposure to the economic forefront of civilization, all at their own risk mind you, contributing to our long-term perplexity and the economic growth of the 1%. For this they would be given the right to vote and make full use of our medicare programs.

Bucking the snow drifts on the way home again, we got to feeling kind of in touch with the rest of our amazing Canada. Those guys in Ottawa were really trying their best to make a go of our humble nation. To open our borders to these one percenters who may come part and parcel with some other ill defined prerogatives is quite enterprising and makes us feel quit at home here living with our resourceful neighbours who also have some ill defined prerogatives. Oh to be part of this great land. You all keep that pot covered now, eh!

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